Saturday, January 19, 2008

Planning Your Weight Loss Program

Every successful venture in life gets better results with good planning and this also applies to fat reduction and weight loss.

If you put a little planning into your weight loss program before you start you'll have a better opportunity to succeed.

The first step is to determine how much weight you want to lose because unless you have a solid goal in your mind it makes it all the more difficult to achieve your weight reduction.

If you are obese then it is important that you seek professional advice before starting on any weight loss program so you remain safe and healthy throughout the process.

In any case it always pays to get support where possible from professionals and even enlisting the support of your friends and family to help you with your goal to lose weight.

If you have any health problems or health concerns discussing things with your doctor is essential before starting weight loss as changes in nutrition and exercise can place additional loads on your body.

Stand in front of a mirror and look at your body while visualizing how you want it to look. It is also a good idea to take a photo of your body at the start of your weight loss program as we often forget the progress we make and looking back can be handy to offer encouragement at times when you feel like the going might be a little difficult.

One other thing that is very important is to distance yourself from negative people and those who don't offer you any support because there are always those around who don't want to see others improve in their life.

These basic points that I have just discussed will go a long way to helping you succeed and achieve what you set out for with your weight loss program.

Emotional Triggers that makes you eat more.

There are many different reasons why people become overweight.

It is not as simple as saying that overweight people just eat too much because there can be any number of psychological reasons that make people want to eat more.

Emotional triggers such as stress, sadness, depression and so on can all make a person want to eat more food. This is due to the fact that there are certain chemicals in the brain that are linked to both mood and hunger.

Many people associate eating with various different emotions and for this reason they choose to eat more food to make themselves feel better, or happier, or more comforted.

If you feel that this is the reason for your weight problem then it is probably better to get those issues resolved first by seeing a specialist rather than trying to attack the food problem first.
For a lot of people it is habit to over eat and behavioral modification will be the key to weight loss success in these cases.

One of the easiest ways to change your eating behavior is to eliminate any temptations. This is best done at the supermarket by not actually buying foods that are going to cause you a problem.

By not having these low value foods in the house you won't be tempted to eat them because they won't be there and this will encourage you to eat better foods and in doing so change your behavior patterns.

This process is made considerably easier if all members of the household will help towards achieving the goal of better eating.

If you do the shopping then you will be able to determine what food is purchased and this will help to make your weight loss easier, and in doing so it will help the nutrition of all members of the household.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Regular Weight Management Patterns

By getting into a regular pattern it makes the task of losing weight considerably easier. If you know that you are going to exercise at the same time every day then your body will soon become adjusted to the fact that it will be exercising and this not only makes the exercise easier but it also ensures that you will stick to the plan and reach your goals a lot sooner than you would if you weren't consistent in your actions.

By keeping a record of your fitness training, you will be able to improve your performance in small steps that will result in big gains over the course of your program.

A regular checkup with your doctor is always recommended to ensure that all aspects of your health are improving and any concerns that you might have can be answered before they have the chance to escalate.

You might occasionally have a break from your weight loss program and this is not unexpected. It can actually do you a lot of good to have the occasional break from routine, provided of course that you get back to the program in a reasonable time and don't slip back to your old habits.

By adding variety to your food and your exercise it will ensure that you don't get bored as this is one of the main reasons that many people struggle to maintain their plan and achieve their goals.
If possible get others to join in with you when you are training as this can help to relieve any boredom and also inspire you to do more training and improve your performance.

Always try to associate with positive people and those who will help you to reach your goals and don't accept any negative energy from others as this will only hinder your chances of success.

Your Daily Calorie Consumption

The amount of calories that you consume on a daily basis will determine whether you gain or lose weight and this is one of the most important aspects of any weight loss program that you decide to go on.

Studies have been taken where overweight people believed they were eating no more food than other people they associated with who were considerably slimmer than them.
The overweight people were under the false impression that the reason why they were heavier and gaining weight was due to their body's metabolism.

When keeping a record of their food consumption over a specified period of time it was shown that they were actually consuming more calories and it had nothing to do with their metabolism but rather their choice of food and the quantities they were eating.

You only need to reduce your calorie intake by 100 calories per day to make a substantial effect on your weight over the period of the year.

This is a very manageable goal for almost everybody and it is not too difficult to cut back by that amount, however many of the weight loss programs are recommending considerably more reduction in calories making it very difficult to maintain and as a result of this many people are failing to achieve what they start out to do.

Now when you combine the fact that you only need to reduce calories by that much, with additional supplementation of vitamins and minerals that can help your overall health, you can see how you can stay nutritionally balanced throughout the whole weight loss process and not feel as though you are starving yourself.

For many people just knowing that the hurdle is not so great, and that there are suitable supplements to assist them, is enough to ensure that they can start and maintain a good weight loss program.